Wednesday, February 13, 2008

reading an autobiography

“Reading an autobiography would be boring!” This was me quite sometime ago. But thing has changed now. Now I can read anything. Anything at all! Thus autobiography is no exception. How do you categorize autobiography? Entertainment? Educational? Well, I personal think that an autobiography comes under both entertainment and educational. You read it for pleasure thus it can be entertainment but as you read you learn a lot of things hence it becomes educational. I have read the autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi, Tun Dr. Mahathir and a few more. The most recent one would be an autobiography of Nelson Mandela. Well, reading an autobiography is actually quite interesting I would say. Sometimes it can be very motivational too! It exposes us on how well-known people went through their life. The hardship, the sacrifices, the achievements and everything is just there, written nicely and compiled. But how trustworthy is the written version? Well they can always exaggerate things right? It has been always a question mark for me.

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