Friday, February 29, 2008

Now I know the importance of presenting one’s own position paper.

I am one the early person to present my position paper and even at that moment I did not know the importance of the activity of presenting one’s position paper. But later, as my friends are presenting and as my lecturer was asking the same pattern of question to my friends who were quite out of track, I could see the rationale of the presentation and thus I could see the importance of the presentation. When, one is presenting a position paper, it is in a way trying to convince the audience on their stand or what we call as thesis statement. Presenters are expected to come up with some sort discussion on their stand. This not only makes us, the presenter bold, but more confident in way. Apart from that through the questions of my lecturer, we the presenters get a more appropriate idea on how to tackle the points and the discussion of the points in order for it to strongly hold up the thesis statement. Being an audience for this kind of presentation makes one to be more critical in their thinking. When my friends are presenting, sometimes I agree with what they say and sometimes I don’t. When I do not agree with them, I will justify myself why I say so and this helps me to be more critical!

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