Friday, February 29, 2008

My research topic

After much consideration, I have made up my mind to work on the portrayal of theme of growing up in “A White Heron” by Sarah Orne and “Boys and Girls” by Alice Munro. I have decided to work on this topic because I think these stories could be very much relevant for my students who are in the process of growing up. In both stories, the main character faces problem internally as well as externally in their process of initiation to adulthood. It applies to school students who are on the same boat as the main characters. Apart from that, I have also chosen these stories because I understand the stories well and I think I am comfortable working with it. Over the weekend I am going to start to do my write up because my supervisor is going to meet us somewhere next week. I think I can do it because I already have the flow of how I am going to do my writing in my mind.

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