Friday, February 29, 2008

New project- Celebrations in Malaysia.

We are now engaged with another big project I would say. It is about creating a website / CD compilation on all the festivals/celebrations that are celebrated in Malaysia. It is basically divided to 3 parts whereby the first one is culture-base, the second one is religion-base and the third one is on other celebrations such as Valentine’s Day and many more. We are also to come up with the ways on teaching / exposing students to all the celebration. I personally think that it is terrifically a good idea on working this kind of project. This is simply because it helps us, the future teacher trainee to be knowledgeable about almost all the celebrations that are celebrated in our own country Malaysia. I am working on the Indian New Year celebration. The best part is I discovered many things that I do not know about the celebration even though I am an Indian origin. Well it happens. Now, I am quite happy that I at least have learned something new. I am really looking forward for the final product of this project as it will be really fun to know more about celebrations!!

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