Monday, January 28, 2008

Thesis statement.

Coming up with a thesis statement is not an easy job! I wrote more than 3 times on the board – each time with an improved version but it was all rejected. Finally, Dr. Edwin helped me out come up with a more appropriate one. After going through the process of creating a thesis statement, I would say that the whole process is interesting and beneficial. It has actually given me a clear and vivid picture of how a thesis statement should be. I reworked and reworked and reworked on my thesis statement and that has made me (a little bit) knowledgeable. Many of my friends too through went through the same process. Some of them were lucky as their first attempt itself was successful but for some theirs were only approved after more than 8 trials. Interesting right! A number of my friends came up with a really good thesis statement. It sounded professional. Some of them also came up with funny statements. The funniest would be the thesis statement that says “Unicorn is real. It proves the wife is crazy”. Even though it made me laugh to the maximum but I appreciate the way my friend thinks. I think he is trying to argue something that is different from the rest. Overall, coming up with a good thesis statement is very crucial as it is the foundation of a paper. The process that I went through is really an awakening!

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