Monday, January 14, 2008

EDU 3234

As for this semester we are required to take EDU 3234 Reading and Project Work for Teaching Literature in ESL Context course. I think this course would be a heavy one as it basically deals with project papers. Position paper and research paper are the two main projects that must be completed within 14 weeks.
As for the position paper, a thesis statement needs to be developed. After, listening to the explanation on how a thesis statement should be, I think I have to revise my understanding on it. All this while, I thought a thesis statement is some sort of a topic but only after entering the first class of EDU 3234, I have a clear picture of a thesis statement. Meanwhile as for the research paper, there will be a supervisor to guide and as for me it is Cik Sharifah. I have not thought about the topic that I am going to work on as I am only going to cross the bridge when I come to it.
Even though this course might be a weighty one, the advantageous part of it is that it will definitely expose me to the massive world of literary materials (which I hardly explore).

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