Monday, March 10, 2008

A sudden change in my research paper.

It is a Sunday morning, and I was reading The Straits Times while slowly sipping my hot white coffee. I was flipping the pages and suddenly my action stopped and my mind was into my research paper. I thought for myself ‘there isn’t much that I can research on if I stick to the 2 short fictions, A White Heron and Boys and Girls.’ The story Barn Burning by William Faulkner came to my mind. It actually has a quite similar plot line with A White Heron whereby the climaxes of both the stories are making moral decision. Thus, I thought I can write more and research more by looking at the similarities of both stories on how the authors presents / portrays their theme of growing up. They next day I went to my supervisor’s office to discuss the insight that I have gained. However, I couldn’t locate her. Hence, I went on the next day, Tuesday and luckily she was there. I told her about my notion and she said that it is convincing. She asked me for a write-up. I gave it to her after two day which is on Thursday and now I am still waiting for her second approval.

1 comment:

Vivek Muniappan said... i am..leaving a comment for your blog:)