Sunday, March 23, 2008


The freedom writers! An interesting, motivating and most of all an inspiring movie for all teachers and teacher trainee I would say. The story line of the movie is remarkable! This movie is actually a boost for a person like me. After being so long as a teacher trainee, only this semester (6th) I started to have the strong feeling to become a teacher, to be in the field of education and to serve for the young ones. By watching this movie it has reinforced my recent feelings to be a teacher, a good teacher! This movie definitely has left a very great impact on me.
Even though the situation or the scenario in Malaysian school is not that intense as in the movie but I think such exposure gives me a better idea of the challenge a teacher undergoes and as well as the power of A TEACHER! A teacher can do wonders! They can reform the thinking of the young generation which is extremely amazing. Thus, I came to a conclusion that there is nothing impossible for a teacher…everything is possible!
Basically many good notion and teaching strategy can be grabbed from the movie. The different approach that the teacher, Erin, uses to tackle her students is something to look upon. It gives me an idea that teaching is a process...a learning process for a teacher! Apart from that, the dedication that Erin has towards teaching makes me to salute and admire her. She had to sacrifice many things in life in order to achieve her goal and give the best in her field. She did not regard teaching as a “job”, for her it is beyond that. What counts in this profession is self satisfaction that one gets when the product is out there. I just hope this inspiration in me will never fade but grow for the better!

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