Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Martin Luther’s Speech…

In today’s class, on the second hour, we discussed on the speech of Martin Luther King. I would strongly say that it actually deserves the fame and recognition that it has now as it is really well written! (as I only saw it on paper yet to hear the speech which is available in the website entitled English as Second Language). We thoroughly examined the language of the speech- the sentence structure, the choice of words and many other elements which it is really rich with. The speech actually has a very strong message that can make one ponder on the idea of equality, segregation and discrimination.
After the discussion, my lecturer talked about how important is speeches and put forward the question why we Malaysian do not have or examine any speeches from our very own great people in the country? This made me to think! Yes, actually we should expose Malaysian with the speeches that would some sort create awareness and instill patriotism in the young ones. Our father of independence Tunku Abdul Rahman’s speech should be revealed to all Malaysian so that we would and will have the strong sense of belonging to the country. I think in the future I will take the effort to put in practice what my lecturer has suggested as I think it is very important and very convincing. I will share with my students the speeches that our statesmen has spoke so that the young ones will benefit out of it, will know more things and will break the rules of not knowing anything on the convictions that they have made.

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